Ventura County Wedding Photographer | Issac and Patty wedding

The wedding of Patty and Issac, in Ventura County, was sweet and full of magnificent moments. As I drove to the location where the wedding was to take place, I stopped and thought; I live in a beautiful area. If you have never been to Ventura County, you should just come and visit and you will see that you will love it as well.. This girl loves her hometown!
When I met Patty and Issac last year, we spent so much time together chatting about so many things. On the day of their wedding, I arrived at the residence where Patty was getting ready to marry the man of her dreams. This private residence had been transformed for this very special occasion.
Issac was getting ready at his grandparents’ house. As I arrived and said hello, he was meditating and stretching; pretty cool!! After a little while he shared with me the song that he was going to SING for Patty as a surprise for her. What a VOICE!! So much emotion in his performance. The ceremony was performed by Issac’s dad and mom; how incredible was that? How very special and so sweet. I got to meet some incredible families and got to see how much love they have for one another and how wonderful their relationships are. Viva la familia!

How he proposed:
Isaac and I were high school sweethearts. We met during our senior year. We were both extras in the school play, “Grease”. We had never met before, even though we had a lot of friends in common. We started going out about two months after we met, and the rest is history.
He proposed to me the day before Valentine’s Day in 2010. We had decided to celebrate Valentine’s Day a day early; not quite sure why (well at least I didn’t know, he had it all planned). He took me to Capistrano’s in the Mandalay Hotel. After the wonderful dinner, he suggested that we go to the beach. I was wearing a knee length dress and it was freezing outside, so I opted for us to go home. Once we got to the beach he said, “if there is a blanket in the car we will stay, if not then we will go home”. He got out of the car and “found” a blanket and a guitar which I didn’t notice at the time because I was mad that I was going to have to walk in the freezing cold. As we were walking on the cold sand, I was grumbling about how ridiculous it was for us to go on the beach at this time. We just happened to find a log that was overlooking the water and the house behind us had a lighthouse light shinning directly on this log. Once we sat down on the log, he told me to look up at the stars but I reluctantly agreed because I was so focused on trying to keep myself warm. After a few minutes, he pulls out his guitar and tells me he wants to sing me a song in Spanish (he doesn’t speak Spanish very well, and I am fluent). It was a love song. About half way through he said, “and this is what I sang to your parents the other day”. It was a song asking for my hand in marriage. Once he was done he pulled out a small red box from his pocket and asks me what I think is inside. I said, “I don’t know”, but I did know and I didn’t want to say it in case I was wrong. He asks me again, “what’s in the box?!” “I don’t know!” He smiles and opens the box and there is the engagement ring. Smiles, hugs, tears, and kisses were all happening at the same time. It was one of the best days of our lives.

Some of my favorites of the day:

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Our Vendors:

Cake: I would rather be baking Co
Band: CosoLive
Wedding Dress: David’s Bridal
Rings: Jewelry Couture
Honeymoon: Hotel Royal Solaris San Jose del Cabo, Mexico | 805-297-5728 Ventura County | 310-272-3894 Los Angeles county | FACEBOOK PAGE

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