Erika and Ben’s Wedding day
This is The perfect hotel for Ritz Carlton Marina Del Rey Weddings and events. The newly renovated wedding venue reception site had freshly painted walls inviting all the guests to enjoy the luxury of that hotel. The Jewish wedding of Erika and Ben was just perfect, it was in March so the days are shorter and we had a little bit of breeze, we were lucky that the rain when away before the first look between bride and groom. Our bride wanted all of her family members to be present at that moment, so we looked for the best location and let the moment happen, it was just like our bride wanted! Erika, mention. Everyone shouted “Maz-el-Tov” In this case, everything was photojournalism style, I don’t like to stage anything, especially during this incredible moment.
Jewish Ceremony
Ketubah Signing The ketubah is a Jewish prenuptial agreement that outlines the groom’s responsibilities to his bride. It dictates the conditions he will provide in the marriage, the bride’s protections and rights, and the framework should the couple choose to divorce. Ketubahs aren’t actually religious documents, but are part of Jewish civil law—so there’s no mention of God blessing the union. The ketubah is signed by the couple and two witnesses before the ceremony take place, then is read to the guests during the ceremony.
The Walk to the Chuppah In the Jewish tradition, both of the groom’s parents walk him down the aisle to the chuppah, the altar beneath which the couple exchanges vows. Then the bride and her parents follow.
Vows Under the Chuppah A chuppah has four corners and a covered roof to symbolize the new home they are building together. In some ceremonies, the four posts of the chuppah are held up by friends or family members throughout the ceremony, supporting the life the couple is building together, while in other instances it may be a freestanding structure decorated with flowers. The canopy is often made of a tallit, or prayer shawl, belonging to a member of the couple or their families. You may see the couple’s parents join them under the chuppah, along with the rabbi, but this isn’t a requirement.
Wedding Photos of Erika and Ben at the Ritz Carlson Marina del Rey

Wedding Vendors
Venue: Ritz Carlton Marina Del Rey
Dress: Zack Pozen
Shoes: Francesco Russo
Tux: Tom Ford
Coordination: Candice Swartz
Photography: Gloria Mesa Photography