Jamie and Darren Engagement Session | Santa Anita Race Track

The engagement session, of Darren and Jamie, was one of my favorite moments ever. I enjoyed a great day in their company. They wanted to go to Santa Anita Race Track and for me, this was a huge hit because I had never visited the track before. I think I had more fun than anyone there. We got to see the purebred horses that are worth millions of dollars and that was a great experience, seeing them up close. Darren was in heaven since he loves the track. Jamie is adorable. I love her candid smile and the way she looks at everything with a huge smile. With her positive attitude, she can win the world. I am honored to be their wedding photographer. They will be hosting their wedding and reception on an amazing yacht located in Newport Beach.

How Darren Propossed to Jamie
“Darren surprised me with a trip to Disneyland, on December 23rd, because all year long I kept telling him I wanted to see it “snow” there in the winter. After spending the day in a very crowded theme park, we decided to head out to Downtown Disney for a couple of cocktails before going back to watch the fireworks show.
After the fireworks show was over, Dar suggested we go to the castle to take some pictures. As we made our way up there, we discovered it was going to be closed for another 15 minutes. Darren then said that we’ll just wait (if you know Darren, you know he doesn’t have the patience to stand around just waiting for 15 minutes) and so it was, at that time, that I knew my suspicions were confirmed and he was going to propose…
So we walked to the left of the castle, looked at the statues; then inside and sat in a couple of those little rooms. At which point Darren remarked, “This is it?!” So I suggest we go to the wishing well and he asked what that was. As we’re looking down the well, I’m explaining Snow White’s wishing well to him and how she uses it to wish for her love. So he hands me a quarter to make a wish and after I toss it in, he asks me if I’m happy, to which I reply “Yes.” I turn to look at him and he’s on one knee with the ring in his hand and he says, “Well I hope I can make you happier, will you marry me?” I just remember saying yes and hugging him and suddenly there were a few people around us applauding. Then he asked me, “Have you looked at the ring yet?” and I said, “No!” I was so caught in the moment, I just said yes and hugged him. So he puts the ring on and it was too small. He says to me, “It doesn’t fit.” And I very clearly remember saying “The hell it doesn’t” and got that beauty on 🙂 And the rest, as they say, is history

How we met:
We actually first met in high school and while we had shared friends, we didn’t really hang out together that much. If you ask Darren, he’ll tell you it was because I was a “big, bad senior” and was “too cool” for a lowly sophomore like him (all lies, I might add – I actually thought he was a cutie back then, all tall and skinny with his spiky hair).
However, it wasn’t until November 2009, that we met up again… all thanks to Facebook! Darren messaged me and as we got to chatting, I learned that he was an LA City Firefighter and he learned that I was moving to Chicago that coming January. Then came the first time we hung out. Those of you who know us, know it was a subject of much debate between he and I as to who asked whom out. But ultimately, it was Darren who suggested we hang out and it was I who suggested we meet up to watch football.
I didn’t expect anything more than to hang out with an old high school friend, but he first walked into that bar. I remember thinking “Wow he filled out and he looks good!” Needless to say, that casual meetup turned into our first date. Now, the way Darren tells it, when he walked in and saw me, he knew, at that moment, that I was the girl he was going to marry.

My favorites of the day…
Newport Beach Marriott Weddings, California, Destination WeddingsNewport Beach Wedding Photos, Cuban American BridesWeddings, Engagement session, Long BeachPhotographers, Photography Newport Beach, Outdoors weddingFirefighters, Los Angeles, Photography,Newport beach Wedding Photography, Southern California,San Gabriel, Engagement session, Ventura CountyVentura County, Wedding Photography,Santa Anita track, Horse racer, WeddingNewport Beach Wedding Photography, Outdoor wedding, Cuban AmericanPure Breed Horses, Weddings, Polo tracks, Million Dollars horsesBeach, Weddings, newport Beach photographySanta Anita Track, Destiny cruises, Weddings CruisesTracks, Santa Anita, Tracks, Destiny Cruises, Wedding cruisesElectra cruises, Newport beach Weddings, Cruises weddingsNewport Beach wedding Photography, Destiny Cruises, Newport BeachNewport Beach Marriott Hotel & Spa, Weddings, Beach WeddingsNewport Beach Marriott, Destiny Cruises, Wedding CruisesNewport Beach, Wedding Photography, Hotel Marriott newport beachMarriott Hotel & Spa, Newport Beach, Weddingsanta Anita tracks, Engagement sessions, Ventura county

www.gloriamesa.com | 805-297-5728 | www.gloriamesa.com/blog

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