Ventura County Wedding Photography | Agoura Hills | Kellie and Kyle

The wedding of Kellie and Kyle was hosted at the new remodeled Sheraton, in Agoura Hills. The catering manager did an amazing job of making sure that everyone had plenty of water since it was one of the hottest days of the year. The temperature reached 110 degrees in Agoura. The ceremony and reception were perfect; indoors in a cool air conditioned place. Kellie was in her suite in the company of all of her bridesmaids, getting ready, drinking Mimosas. As I arrived, everyone greeted me with a huge smile and friendly comments.
While I was taking photos of the wedding details, Kellie showed me the one thousand pieces of origami that she made as part of a Japanese tradition. These one thousand origami cranes are called Tsuru. It is an ancient Japanese legend that promises that anyone that folds a thousand origami cranes will be granted happiness. I completely love traditions at weddings. The other one was during the toast which is called “Kampai”. During the toast, everyone stood and shouted three times, “Kampai” “Kampai” “Kampai”. I felt goosebumps. It was such a beautiful moment. Everyone shouted out loud and we were able to hear this all over the room. It was a magical moment!! I love, love when I get to experience new and beautiful moments at weddings..

Some of my favorites of the day.

Ventura County wedding photosAgoura Hill, Calabasas, wedding dress, Ben bridgeVentura County weddings photosSheraton, hotel, Universal, Orthodox weddingsLos Angeles, wedding photographer,All star bride shoes, conversewedding dress, white and black, Japanese American weddingsBrides-maids, japanese weddingsAmerican japanese weddingsSheraton, Agoura HillsVentura county, wedding, photographyBrides, Los Angeles, japanese bridesOrigani, 1000 cranes, weddings, good luckCeremony, Weddings, Sherathon hotelLos Angeles and Orange County wedding photographyPhotogrpahy, Red rosas, Wedding dress, white and blackOrange County, Orthodox weddingsSheraton Agoura hIlls wedding photographerPhotos Agoura hill weddingsLos Angeles Wedding photographer

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