International Society of Professional Wedding Photographers | ISPWP International Awards

I hope that you are having a wonderful day so far. As for me, I am happy beyond words. I woke up this morning to some fantastic news. The International Society of Professional Wedding Photographers gave an award to two of my images and that made my day. This contest is conducted every six months with thousands of photographers, from all over the world, submitting their work. That alone makes me so excited to be one of the few chosen by the judges. Now, the results were out today and I discovered that one of the images of Sandra and Alex’s wedding was selected. This image is very strong and has tons of emotion. I love it. Every time I look at it, it takes me back to that moment when Sandra was about to married to Alex. Weddings are a rainbow full of emotions, tears of joy are always great tears. This wedding was hosted at The Reef in Long Beach and it was so incredibly beautiful. Here is the link to that wedding.

This images was submitted on the category “emotional Impact

St Margaret Catholic church, ISPWP, Awards,

Thank you for letting me capture this amazing moment on your wedding day!!

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